Читаю The Mind Illuminated. > The final key point is that the experience of consciousness itself is the result of the shared receptivity of unconscious sub-minds to the content passing through the conscious mind. Who is it that’s conscious? The mind-system as a whole. Of what is the mind-system conscious? The products of the individual sub-minds that comprise the mind-system. What is the purpose of the mind-system? To ensure the survival and reproduction of the organism, the psychophysical entity it’s a part of, thus continuing the cycle of life. Думаю: да, ура, всё это совместимо с моим мировоззрением. Можно мероприятия про медитацию без мистицизма вести и не париться про эзотеричность. И тут следующий же пассаж: > This view of the mind may at first seem reductionist or even materialistic. Please don’t jump to those conclusions. They’re far from the truth. This is only the beginning of the real story. Our continued exploration of the mind in the coming Stages will reveal a truth that’s much more profound. Ну блиииин. Ну хорошо же всё было :( (Но книга в самом деле очень хорошая. Вот, почитайте отзывы на амазоне: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Illuminated-Complete-Meditation-Integrating/dp/0990847705)

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